Det konstnärliga teamet denna gång är engelska videokonstnären Ellie Rees, dansaren/ koreografen Alexander Gottfarb bosatt i Österrike, musikern/tonsättaren Tomas Hulenvik och musikern Jonas Jonasson från bob hund, båda från Sverige. Vår volontär Irsa Amerian har intervjuat deltagaren Kicki och videokonstnären Ellie:
Vad tycker du om det här kursen med Share Music?
Det är mycket intressant och man lär sig mycket, träffar många nya
människor och gör olika aktiviteter, man kan
hjälpas åt och gör nåt tillsammans!
Hur var workshopen idag?
Hur var workshopen idag?
Det var ganska annorlunda, det var spännande, men det var
mycket ljud och man fick lite ont i öronen. Det var väldigt intressant att man kan göra musik av morötter eller lök- då tänker man på mat och inte på musik, men
det är musik också! (Kolla in så förstår ni bättre!)
Vad är din favorit aktivitet här på kursen?
Vad är din favorit aktivitet här på kursen?
Röra på kroppen
och att vi är många på kursen som gör någonting ihop. Till exempel har vi arbetat i par, med dans tillsammans.
Your idea of the project?
The idea of the
project is pushing and pulling in quite a general way, pushing and pulling physically,
objects that push and pull, pushing and pulling in emotional perspectives, so
there’s been a lot about relationships and friendships that’s been brought up,
quite a bit.
And that’s
interesting, because the other thing that is kind of a big cover for this
project which is different than usual is the language, all the different
languages. So we will be working with the alphabet for example with letters and
we have this idea of working with vowels, but of course in Georgian and
Ukrainian and all the Russian languages, it’s completely different. So in a way
there has been a pushing and pulling of communication and it’s not something
that we expected to become part of the thing, but that has really been become
part of the thing, because it’s impossible to ignore and I think that’s
exciting about this sort of work which is until you arrive until you meet
everyone, until you understand what context it is and who your participants
are, you really need to know what the fabric of the work is.
So the thing still
is pushing and pulling but it’s kind of a pushing and pulling in a different
way that I could imagine and for me the communication thing and the language
thing is been really interesting. I’ve been running workshops without really
understanding anything that anybody is saying and often without them
understanding what I’m saying. That’s challenging, but it’s actually very
interesting and when you’re a visual artist it’s not easy but you can just show
what you want to do.
About the participants, any improvement, changes?
About the participants, any improvement, changes?
Yeah, I think in
the first day everyone is always a little nervous and a bit anxious because
it’s not a natural situation, it’s like you go to a new job and everybody is
new, but everybody is extremely friendly and the more you work with people you
see what they’re comfortable in doing, what they might enjoy and how they want
to do it and what direction they want to express themselves, you need to figure
it out and what’s people’s strengths are! I’m been having a conversation with
Patrik, one of the participants today in the photography workshop and he said: “oh,
this is my thing and this is really the first workshop that I’m really
comfortable with”! That’s really important! I know that he enjoys the music, he
enjoys the dance, but in this workshop he got it! He happens to be a conceptual
person and very intellectual, so that worked for him.
I think it’s
about taking time to notice in each individual that what is the thing that you
can really pull and push in them,
because then if you know that what is the thing that is very interesting
then you can push it further. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand how much
to push or pull.
So it’s always
everybody is more relaxed in the second day and the concert yesterday helped a
lot to break the ice and make everybody feel a bit more comfortable and they
get to do what they really want to do, stand up and sing or play the piano or
dance and it’s really important that they continue I think. Because when you
see the concerts you get the idea for the work.
The most shocking and/or interesting thing so far?
The most shocking and/or interesting thing so far?
I think probably
the language issue actually, because if I’m giving an instruction, or
explaining something or just say something in English and then it’s translated
into both Swedish and Russian and the gap is probably 10 or 20 seconds, when
you’re the tutor of a workshop there’s a moment of flow and you just want to do
something because you think that’s what which is required and here you just
cannot do that.
Irsa Amerian, Share Music-volontär
Irsa Amerian, Share Music-volontär
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